arrival and stay

When & where?

The next YuniCon will take place from 31.10.-03.11.2024 in the Multiversum Schwechat!

Address 📌

Möhringgasse 2-4
2320 Schwechat

To the route planner in Google Maps

You can find the exact opening hours here

From the airport:
Express train S7 direction Wien Mitte Landstraße, get off at Schwechat station

From Vienna Westbahnhof:
U-Bahn U3 direction Wien Simmering, station Wien Mitte Landstraße, change to Schnellbahn S7 direction Flughafen, get off at Schwechat station

From Wien SĂŒdbahnhof:
Express train S3 direction Hollabrunn, station Rennweg, change to express train S7 direction Flughafen, get off at station Schwechat

From Wien Mitte Landstrasse:
Express train S7 in the direction of the airport, get off at Schwechat station

From the airport:
Bundesstraße B9 direction Schwechat, traffic circle direction Schwechat, Bruck Hainburgerstrasse – 3rd traffic light on the right – Möhringgasse

From Vienna:
highway A4 direction Budapest/Bratislava/Praha, S1 direction Graz/Linz/St.Pölten, exit B9/10 Schwechat Ost, traffic circle direction Schwechat, Bruck Hainburgerstrasse – 3rd traffic light on the right – Möhringgasse

From the south (Italy, Graz):
highway A2 direction Vienna, S1 direction Schwechat/A4, exit B9/10 Schwechat Ost, traffic circle direction Schwechat, Bruck Hainburgerstrasse – 3rd traffic light on the right – Möhringgasse

From the west (Germany, Salzburg, Linz):
highway A1 direction Vienna, A21 direction Graz/A2/Vienna South-East, S1 direction Praha/Bratislava/Budapest/A4, exit B9/10 Schwechat Ost, traffic circle direction Schwechat, Bruck Hainburgerstrasse – 3rd traffic light on the right – Möhringgasse

From the east (Hungary):
highway A4 direction Vienna, S1 direction Graz/Linz/St.Pölten, exit B9/10 Schwechat Ost, traffic circle direction Schwechat, Bruck Hainburgerstrasse – 3rd traffic light on the right – Möhringgasse

The Multiversum underground parking garage is subject to a charge. See guidelines:

Directly behind the Multiversum there are 2 Park&Ride parking lots where you can park 24 hours a day, but you have to put a parking meter in your vehicle.

Important: do not park in the parking spaces marked RED!

You can find more information at:

Tickets Konto/anmelden

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