
Werewolves of Bleak Forest

presented by AUMKV

Werewolf is a timeless classic that not only promotes strategic thinking and interaction, but also makes for exciting and entertaining rounds. We are bringing this classic back to the convention scene with the support of our partner association Anime- und Manga Kulturverein Graz.

Round duration approx. 60 minutes
(45 minutes + 15 minute buffer)
The minimum number of participants is 10.
The maximum number of participants is 22.

Applications for a slot reservation are available at the information stand. This reservation is valid until 5 minutes after the start of the slot. Otherwise we fill up the places on a first come first serve basis. You will find the registration form directly in front of the workshop room after the end of the information stand.

Location: Workshop room according to site plan

Depending on the number of registrations, we reserve the right to refuse repeat registrations in favor of new players.

Exclusive button for participation (max. 1 button per person)

Tickets Konto/anmelden

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