Cosplay Guests

The crafting dodo

The_crafting_dodo, Austrian cosplayer and 3d artist, has been active in the cosplay scene for over 12 years and has participated in various international competitions.

Working with graphic styles and innovative techniques and materials, she combines her professional 3d experience with a passion for all things handcrafted. The materials used range from cardboard and modeling clay to thermoplastic materials – and usually all with a good dose of shading.

Coming in from Spain, The_crafting_dodo is an Austrian cosplayer and 3d artist. She has been cosplaying for over 12 years and has both participated and placed in international competitions. In her work she often focusses stylized looks and innovative use of materials, merging her professional 3d and painting knowledge and passion for craft in her costumes. She works preferably with cardboard, sculpted textiles and textured fabrics finished off with painted shading.

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