Gaming tournaments

Tekken 8 Tournament

All players compete against each other in a best of 3 (best of three) and in the Grand Final in a best of 5 (best of five). The entire bracket is played as a double elimination bracket. The Versus tournament mode is used in-game.

General rules:

  • Game settings Rounds: 3 out of 5
  • Time limit: 60 seconds
  • Stage: By chance.
  • Players in a match may not use the same character customizations.
  • The players in a game are responsible for making the correct game settings.
  • If errors are detected in the settings during an ongoing game, the game is restarted and the previous results are lost.
  • If a match ends in a draw (simultaneous knockout or elapsed time), the match will not be scored and must be repeated.
  • The chosen characters must be retained by both players.

When: Friday 01.11.2024
Tunrier Registration until Friday 11:00 on site at the Viennality stand

The final will take place on the main stage on Friday at 2:30 pm!

Tickets Konto/anmelden

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