
Suncatcher with Japanese patterns

presented by lorared.illustration

In this workshop you will have the opportunity to design your own suncatcher with traditional
Japanese patterns. At the beginning, various patterns and motifs from Japan
are presented and their origin and meaning explained. These motifs, which are often inspired by nature
– such as plants, flowers and animals – were traditionally used as patterns or badges
on garments such as kimonos, talismans and family crests (kamon). In the further
course of the workshop, you can choose from a variety of these motifs, combine them in new
ways or even design them with your own desired motifs to create a unique
suncatcher. The finished suncatchers can be attached to any pane of glass
without leaving any residue and conjure up beautiful rainbow patterns in
the room through the play of the sun’s rays.

Duration: approx. 1.5 hours
Number of participants: 10
Language: German
Register on site at the information desk!

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