
Successful writing and publishing

presented by Naomi Huber

The path to the finished book!

Author Naomi Huber has written several books and has now successfully self-published 3 volumes of her romance series.
This interactive lecture is aimed at writers who want to turn their ideas into a finished manuscript.
Naomi Huber will show different approaches, approaches and common stumbling blocks,
point out important must-haves and report on her personal experiences.
Authors and those who want to become authors can benefit from helpful practical tips
. It is up to the participants to decide whether the focus of this lecture should be on writing or the publishing process
(or whether there will be a summarizing overview).

Duration: approx. 1.5 hours
Number of participants: unlimited
Language: German
No registration necessary, anyone can attend the lecture!

Tickets Konto/anmelden

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