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Pokémon – Gotta catch them all

Attention Pokémon Trainers!
Are you ready for the next Pokémon hunt?
After the Kanto and Johto regions, YuniCon 2024 is now heading to the Hoenn region!

The 135 Pokémon of the Hoenn region are hiding in the Con building, waiting for you to find them.

Many of the Pokémon can be found in the wild, but some are hidden behind puzzles and tasks to be solved at the Pokémon stand.

Take on the challenges of the Hoenn region, complete your Pokédex in the HaYuKo app on your smartphone by scanning QR codes next to the Pokémon images and you have the chance to win great prizes.

We look forward to your participation!

Your Pokémon Quiz Team

Registration and information on site at the Pokemon stand

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