Gaming tournaments

Osu – Tournament

You can register for the tournament online. Join our Discord server to be notified when registrations open.

The qualifying rounds will also be played online and the scheduling will be done via our Discord server. After qualifying for the round of the last 16, attendance is mandatory. Failure to appear will result in automatic disqualification.

The best 2 players will compete for great prizes and a personalized profile badge on the main stage. The top 16 players will also receive great gifts.

Registrations: 31.10. (14:00-24:00)
Qualification rounds: 1.11. (11:00-20:00)
Round of 16: 2.11. (11:00-15:00)
Quarter-finals: 2.11. (15:30-18:00)
Semi-finals: 2.11. (18:30-21:00)
Final: 3.11. (11:00-14:00)
Grand Finals: 3.11. (14:15) on the main stage

You will find all information at the Osu stand!

Tickets Konto/anmelden

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