18+ Contests

Fully Booked

HENTAI Music Video Contest! (HMV)

Open for EVERYTHING, right! Dig out your dirty material from under the bed and browse through your 18+ anime again. Because there are no rules here…?

But you have to be finished with your ACT in 5 minutes, because you shouldn’t have to hold it back any longer than that!

About the rules:

  • The CockBlock comes on 13.10.2024 and thus fixes the deadline. However, he is willing to talk and understands technical problems.
  • The video material may consist of anime, games, fandoms and any other type of animation (cartoon, Disney, manga). However, it should be noted that the main focus is on the topic of “Anime style/HENTAI and Asian culture”.
  • You may use up to ~1/3 alternative material for the duration of the video, which is not included in this list.
  • Furthermore, the video material must be from LEGAL sources in the sense of legally regulated image material. The degree of disturbance and liability is addressed here. Anime/Hentai material is allowed here!
  • Not allowed are(Real footage: e.g. children, necrophilia, animals, killings, etc.)
  • Already published HMVs may be submitted, but they must not have been shown at YuniCon in previous years.
  • The video must consist exclusively of your own clips and may not contain any content from other AMVs.
  • The video should be between approx. 1 and 5 minutes and have a reasonable file size.
  • The HMV/AMV18+ does NOT have to have an age rating and must not contain any illegal images, soundtracks, offensive or inflammatory statements. Obvious “troll” submissions will also not be tolerated. Satire and comedy-packed content is not declared a “troll”.
  • The download link must be linked to a OneClick host (e.g. Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, Mega, etc.). Please make sure to share this link (share with anyone who has the link).
  • You should be able to play the video file with a standard video player (e.g. VLC Player). The following formats are suitable for this: MP4, AVI, MKV and MPEG.
  • If you would like to be treated anonymously , please indicate this in the registration form. This means that your artist name will not be presented publicly.
  • This HMV contest will NOT be shown on the main stage, but in the designated 18+ rooms (see program schedule)
  • Please contact us in advance if you have any questions.


To register for the HENTAI Music Video Contest! please fill out the form below until 13.10.2024 (23:59)!

AustriaAMV Discord: https://cutt.ly/AustrianAMVDiscord


But we don’t want to leave you completely without a prize, so there will be a public vote among all participants with our app and the first 3 will be chosen! The award ceremony will take place on Sunday in the 18+ area!

1st place: Audience voting
2nd place: Audience voting
3rd place: Audience voting

The prizes are sponsored by Trimax.

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