
Cosplay photography

presented by Photolisteners & Kyuubivi_Cosplay

Target group: Photographers and cosplayers who want to improve their cosplay photography skills.

In the lecture “Cosplay photography: from the idea to the masterpiece”, photographers and cosplayers can improve their cosplay photography skills in a one-hour session. Led by Photolisteners & Kyuubivi_Cosplay, the talk will be divided into three phases: Pre Production, Production and Post Production, highlighting both perspectives – photographer and cosplayer.

Pre-production deals with costume selection, communication and preparation. The production phase includes location scouting, set-up, posing and the creative use of props. Finally, post production deals with the selection, editing and sharing of the images. The lecture provides a comprehensive introduction and inspires photographers and cosplayers alike to master their cosplay photography skills.

Duration: approx. 1 hour
Number of participants: unlimited
Language: German
No registration required, anyone can attend the lecture

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