
Anime Quiz

Anime Quiz 2024

Are you an anime expert?

You think you paid attention to every detail and can still remember them all? You claim that you can answer every question about your favorite anime?

Then take part in the Yunicon Anime Quiz and prove to us that no one is better than you!

Many different categories await you, from simple trivia questions to complex detailed questions for the particularly attentive.


  • You can take part as a team of 4-5 participants. The questions are put to all teams. The answers are noted on the questionnaire handed out. The team with the most points wins. In the event of a draw, there is a play-off.
  • All other rules are explained at the beginning of the quiz.
  • If your team does not have enough players, some will be assigned to your team

Registration on site at the information stand (up to 30 minutes before the quiz).

The winners will be announced at the award ceremony on the respective day and the prizes presented there. If you are unable to attend the award ceremony, please provide your contact details at the information stand.


Place 1-3 non-cash prizes

Tickets Konto/anmelden

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