
AMV Contest “Categories”

It’s time again for THE AMV competition of the year!
This year we have something very special to offer you. A category contest!

  • Best Visual Effects
    Videos that are characterized by creative and technically impressive visual effects.
  • Best originality
    Unique and original concepts and implementations are the focus here.
  • Best Editing
    Videos that impress with skillful editing, transitions and processing.
  • Relevance
    Videos that either pick up on current trends or deal with timeless topics.
  • Action
    Videos that present action-packed scenes and dynamic moments.
  • Good Vibes
    Comedy, good humor or dance videos that shine with humor and a positive mood
  • Romantic Drama
    Drama or romance videos that offer emotional depth and dramatic or romantic story arcs.
  • Horror
    Horror/psychedelic videos that create a spooky or psychedelic mood.
  • Narrative
    Story/character profile Videos that convince through a captivating plot or the portrayal of characters.
  • Ambient
    Instrumental/Atmosphere Videos that convince through instrumental music or atmosphere.
  • Other Sources
    GMV/MMV/Trailer/Multiple Sources Videos that have been combined as GamingMusicVideo or MangaMusicVideo or from different sources or include the presentation of a trailer.
  • Wildcard
    Austrian music/multi-editor project/wildcard Videos that either use Austrian music, were created as a multi-editor project or are wildcards that do not qualify for any category at all.
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