Board game tournaments

White Black Tournaments


Weiss Schwarz – Trial Deck Tournament
Registration until 13:45. Start 14:00
Free promo card for the participants
max 16 participants. At least 4 participants. Best of one.
Duration approx. 45 min per round, depending on the number of participants, several rounds will be played to determine the winner.


Weiss Schwarz – Constructed Tournament
Registration until 13:45. Start 14:00
Max 32 participants. At least 8 participants. Best of One.
30 min time per round, depending on the number of participants several rounds will be played to determine the winner.


Weiss Schwarz – Trial Deck Tournament
Registration until 12:45. Start 13:00.
Free promo card for the participants
max 16 participants. At least 4 participants. Best of one.
Duration approx. 45 min per round, depending on the number of participants, several rounds will be played to determine the winner.

You can find more information on this page or directly in our board game section. For organizational reasons, pre-registration is required, which you can complete in our board game information area.

Registration on site in the board game area

Tickets Konto/anmelden

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