
How to Audio Drama Podcast

presented by Travis Vengroff & K.A. Statz

Do you like Critical Role or Night Vale? Imagine you have a great story but no €100,000 to produce a pilot for film or TV. Have you ever thought about audio drama? Podcasts aren’t just for talk shows – you can tell your story YOUR way, without compromising on quality, and all on a shoestring budget. Plus, you can reach millions of listeners without leaving your home! Join the creators of The White Vault – one of the top horror fiction podcasts – as they walk you through the process of creating an audio drama: from idea to upload! This panel covers everything from developing believable dialog for audio, recording remotely, working with first-time actors, creating sound effects, and answering your questions along the way!

Duration: approx. 1 hour
Number of participants: unlimited
Language: English
No registration required, anyone can attend the lecture

K.A. Statz is the author and creator of The White Vault, Don’t Mind, and Dark Dice. She is also the co-founder of Fool & Scholar Productions, one of the leading teams in fiction podcasting. Founded by Statz and her husband Travis Vengroff, the company is known for its top-notch production quality and award-winning podcasts.

Travis Vengroff is co-founder and producer of Fool & Scholar Productions, one of the leading teams in fiction podcasting. Founded by Vengroff and his wife K.A. Statz, the company is known for its top-notch production quality and award-winning podcasts.

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