
Amigurumi crochet for beginners

presented by artmacoro

Would you like to learn the art of amigurumi crocheting? This one-hour workshop will give you an introduction to the basic techniques of amigurumi crochet. Perfect for beginners or those who want to brush up on their crochet skills!

What you can expect:

  • Introduction to the basics of crochet, especially for amigurumi
  • Learning basic stitches and techniques
  • Practical exercises with exercise material
  • Tips and tricks for successfully crocheting small figures
  • All necessary materials and tools are provided

Duration: approx. 1 hour
Number of participants: 10
Costs: Voluntary donation or starter pack with a contribution towards expenses of €15 (including material costs). The fee is to be paid directly to the workshop leader.
Language: German
Register on site at the information stand!

Workshop result:

By the end of the workshop, you will have mastered the basics of amigurumi crochet and be equipped with practice materials to continue right away at home. You can take part in our free basic course on our Discord server and finally start your first Amigurumi project.

Tickets Konto/anmelden

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