
Upcycling & affordable alternative materials for cosplays

presented by KawaiBlackNeko

Are you a cosplayer looking for solutions for inexpensive materials or do you like upcycling?

You can’t solder or it’s too complicated for you to install lighting in props?

But don’t know how to design it?

Then you’ve come to the right place!

Here you will learn everything you need to know to find affordable alternatives, how to use upcycling in cosplays or ideas for installing lighting.

What topics are we focusing on?

– What materials can I use?

– Where can I get this?

– How can I incorporate this?

– What cheap alternatives are there?

– And what can I make from these materials?

I would like to give you an insight into how you can develop your creativity, step by step, with helpful tips and ideas.

We will also have time to try out materials and do handicrafts ^-^

Duration: approx. 1 hour
Number of participants: 15
Language: German
Register on site at the information desk!

Tickets Konto/anmelden

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