18+ Area

Fully Booked

18+ Area dealer

Stand information:

Stand size/price:

  • The running meter costs 140,00€ excl. VAT. Per table (dimensions 50x200cm). a ticket will be provided. The price is for the entire duration of the event.


  • Tables incl. Benches/chairs provided by the organizer. The organizer will provide one bench and one ticket per table.
  • If more tickets are required, these must be purchased in advance or on site at the ticket office.
  • All furniture used, including tables and benches, must remain within the dealer area marked by the organizer during the event.
  • Electricity can be booked optionally for 50€ (incl. VAT).
  • The products you offer should be in the 18+ area and at least 70% of your range should be NSFW. We won’t count your products and calculate a percentage on the spot, but you should be able to see a consistent picture.
  • Ai content and the sale of stolen artwork/dropshipping is not desired to any extent and in case of suspicion we will contact you accordingly to clarify the suspicion.
  • An extra exhibitor ticket must be purchased in advance or on site.

→ We allocate places on a first-come-first-served basis.

You can also apply for a workshop/program item.

Tickets Konto/anmelden

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