
18+ speed dating

18+ Speeddating at the YuniCon 2024

Speed dating by nerds, for nerds! Find like-minded people, new acquaintances and maybe even your next big crush to spend the convention with.

Speed dating works as follows:

Come to the stage in the 18+ area of YuniCon at around 11:30 and fill out our info card.

At 12:00 the participants will be drawn by lot – whose name is drawn is included. It will not be not gender, meaning: if only men are drawn, we have a complete men’s round. Depending on the number of participants, up to 20 will be accepted.

All fixed participants receive a number and a card on which they can – after the dates – name people they would like to get to know better – this can also be quite platonic! New friendships are just as valuable as a new love 😉

The dates are 3 minutes long and are held according to the slide system – a system from chess, here to illustrate:

As soon as everyone has had a chance to get to know each other, the completed card is taken to the designated table.

As soon as all the cards have arrived, an evaluation is made and everyone gets their card back with the numbers that have shown interest.

The last step is up to you – speak to the person with the corresponding number!

You are welcome to keep the numbers, especially at the after-party, where you might be a bit braver with your approach 😉

We hope for active participation!

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