18+ Area

Fully Booked

18+ Area Fanstand

Would you like to apply for a fan stand at Yunicon 2024? Then sign up right away!

As we only have limited space available, we cannot guarantee that every stand will be taken.

Fan stands are free of charge, no goods may be offered for sale.

We would also like to point out that we cannot provide electricity for fan stands.

Stand information:

The fan stand is free of charge, but max. 2 meters can be booked.

  • 1 table = 2 meters: includes 2 tickets and 2 chairs/benches (depending on availability)
  • 1/2 table = 1 meter: includes 1 ticket and 1 chair/bench (depending on availability)


  • Tables incl. Chairs/benches provided by the organizer.
  • If more tickets are required, these must be purchased in advance or on site at the ticket office.
  • All furniture used, including tables and benches, must remain within the dealer area marked by the organizer during the event

Important: Flyers may only be displayed on your own stand, in case of violation the stand must be dismantled immediately and the stand operator must expect a fine!


  • Fill out the form below by August 1, 2024! We will contact you with an acceptance or rejection after the registration deadline.
Tickets Konto/anmelden

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